Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, Amerikantsi! Although we (the Americans at the American Home) are actually celebrating Turkey Day this Saturday with four turkeys imported (no doubt at great expense) from Moscow, and all the trimmings to go along therewith. We're making a T-Day feast for a whopping thirty people. It should be interesting. Or disastrous. We shall see.

This morning, when I emerged from my room, Nina M. said to me (in Russian, of course), "Happy Thanksgiving!" I had told her that we were celebrating Thanksgiving on Saturday, so I asked how she knew that the holiday was, in actuality, today. Apparently they had a report on the American National Holiday of Thanksgiving this morning on Radio Rossiya, complete with historical info on Pilgrims and Indians. That's one of the things I love about Russia. I mean, when was the last time you heard a long segment on any American radio station (other than NPR) about a national holiday of some other country?

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