Today we had another "American Lunch" - this time, barbecued chicken. We had planned the thing to be an outside barbecue, but the weather wasn't particularly cooperative. Due to the steady drizzle, the eating was done inside, and the chicken was cooked in a makeshift tent erected by Alexei and Male B. Many pix:

Male B and Alexei in the makeshift barbecue hut

One of the many pitchers of sangria, topped with fresh mint

We might have had to scrape the burnt stuff off the chicken...

We also might have had an accident with the cornbread...

B, Y and J

G, me and M

Potato salad and baked beans - YUM!
All that looks yummy!! ...and made me quite hungry ;)
How cute, "american lunch" at the american home.
do they have all american things there?
like an american toilet and an american fireplace? teehee. i shouldnt joke, I have been throwing around the idea of applying but so far its not working out so hot less i want to teach hospitality. err.
Great photos of Russia you have on this site. :-)
Where did you get the barbeque sauce? Sent via snail mail, I presume?
I'm also wondering about your cornbread - baking powder or ...? While baking soda was easy to find in Russia, I didn't see baking powder anywhere and had to improvise when I made chicken and dumplings there last fall.
adeline - yep, it is just like a real american "ranch style" house -appliances and all. so he mentioned the hospitality thing to you? the problem is, they've been wanting to offer that course for a while, but there hasn't been much interest. i was supposed to teach it this summer, but as there were no students, i got stuck with something else.... but try telling them that there's no interest. bah! maybe it will work out at some point though.
w. shedd: the barbecue sauce came through snail mail, and the jiffy cornbread mix came in the suitcase of our american boss when he came for a visit.
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