Friday, June 09, 2006


I'm sick. I feel pretty miserable, and that makes me feel pretty cranky mentally. But that fact aside, I feel I have some legitimate gripes here. This semester, all of my students are adults. For the most part, this is a lot better than teaching teens and youngsters who are only there because their parents want them to be there: Adults tend to be better-behaved, motivated, quiet and interested in learning. For the most part. But seriously, if you're going to spend the entire new grammar explanation out in the hallway talking on your cell phone... don't complain about how you don't understand the worksheets that use the new grammar. If you show up to class 30 minutes late, don't complain about not knowing the words taught during the first 30 minutes. Also, in the level I teach, we use Forrest Gump. We watch about 5 or 10 minutes at the end of each class. As much as I personally hate this film, it is actually a great movie for lower level English instruction and lessons in American culture and history. If you have to leave class 5-10 minutes early because you have something you have to do, fine. You're paying for the class, if you need to leave, that's cool. But don't say "Can I go home?" when I ask you to take out your Forrest Gump worksheets because you "don't like Forrest Gump." Well, I guess you can go home if you want, but Forrest Gump is going to be on the final exam, so if you want to pass you should probably stay. Who knew all-adult classes would be such a handful?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jane,

Re: FDA approval: it's "approved" for girls age 9-26, mainly based on the assumption that women older than that probably have had enough sexual partners that they're already infected with the four strains covered by the vaccine. That said, your doctor is always able to write a prescription for it off-label. Your call. Insurance isn't likely to pay for it (since it's off-label), but that doesn't mean it can't be had.
