Wow. This is really hard to comprehend. It's not really sinking in that tomorrow I'll be in the US. Weird. I will continue to blog over at my other blog, and I hope that those of you who have followed my adventures across Russia will continue to follow me through the American swamplands and across the Pacific to the Land of the Morning Calm (that being South Korea). I figured it up, and between the fact that I'll be leaving Vladimir tomorrow at 4:30 in the morning and the fact that it takes about four hours to get from Atlanta to home, I'm going to be traveling for approximately 26 hours or so. That means I'm going to be essentially unconscious for several days upon my arrival. I will blog as soon as I can, although I can't promise exactly *when* that's going to be. In the meanwhile, here are some pictures from yesterday's final party with all of the AH teachers and staff.

The party was held in the backyard under red, white and blue umbrellas.
(Keep in mind, these are the colors of the Russian flag, too.
The US doesn't have a monopoly on the red, white and blue.)

There were lots of toasts.

Galya gives a speech while Vanya and Tatiana laugh.

No, there's nothing wrong with your monitor...
the salad really was this color.

It was delicious though. I'm going to miss Russian salads.

G, me and M
We always sat together at AH parties.

B, Alyona and Male B

Misha the Dog
(I realized that while I have *tons* of Gosha the Cat pics, I had no shots of Misha the Dog. Misha's a stray to whom the AH feeds generous portions of scraps on a daily basis. He did quite well at yesterday's party, as he got the bulk of the leftovers.)

Male B and Alyona brought their young son, Alex.
While we had all seen photos of Alex,
this was the first time we saw him in the flesh :-)