Friday, January 20, 2006

Still cold....

I think these posts are going to get pretty repetitive as long as this weather stays so frigid. seems to think things are getting warmer here, but as the thermometer outside my kitchen window still says -30C, and as Nina M is still turning on the oven and then opening the oven door to augment the state-supplied heat (which has been over-worked by this weather, leaving the inside of the apartments hovering around 56F). Anyway, here are some news articles on this lovely weather we've been having:


SeBe said...

Here one more:,0,1375455.story?coll=la-home-headlines

"Twelve people had died of exposure in the Novgorod region by Wednesday"

I am live in Novgorod. And think thats not complete true.

It cold, but not deadly. =)

annie said...

I think the people who have died have been homeless... This weather is definitely prime for death by exposure for those outside...