Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Brooke's Pictures from Meshera

The other day when we went to Meshera, I didn't take that many photos because the batteries in my camera were dying. Inevitably, they chose to do this on the one day that I didn't have spares in my purse. or to be more accurate, spares were in my purse, but my purse wasn't with me. Sigh. Anyway, I got some pictures from B this afternoon that I thought I'd share.

To a certain person in Germany:
See, some Russian snowmen DO have carrot-noses!

Youngmee isn't really this much shorter than me.
She's squatting, and I'm on my tip-toes.

This was our group at the entrance to the Bird Museum.
(The bird museum had a taxidermied representation of all birds
found in the Meshera National park, including the endangered ones.)

1 comment:

annie said...

yay! I'm glad you saw the the carrot - I took that picture just for you.

Well, actually I took it just for Brooke, but Youngmee and I agreed that you definitely needed to see it.